Chris Stout
Chris likes not having any free time. +Chris Stout Email:
Posts by Chris Stout

The Decline of the British Empire
Some stuff to keep in mind for the U.S. vs. England match tomorrow (Source: – thanks @wabten!)….
Jun 11th

Watch 2010 World Cup Online – Live Streaming Options
Some of you have jobs and just can’t afford to wake up at 4am and watch three straight World Cup matches while getting drunk on the couch. That’s understandable. The World Cup comes around every four years, but the tournament only lasts a month. By mid-July, you’ll still need a source of income to pay for things like rent, food and bar tabs. So it’s probably a good idea not to quit your job.
If you’re stuck in the office, and you’re looking for ways to watch the 2010 World Cup online, here are some online streaming options that you should check out:
ESPNsoccernet is streaming the games live on the Net. Just go to the ESPNsoccernet homepage and click ‘Watch’ on the top navigation menu.
ESPN3 is also streaming all the games.
Univision is in Spanish, but good alternative if ESPN3 is blocked at your work. has a bunch of channels and we hear that you can catch the matches there.
CBC Sports is Canada’s national public broadcaster. They’ll be streaming all month long.
BBC Sports will stream all BBC matches live. Haven’t tried but heard it works,is a U.K. network. They’ll broadcast any matches that they carry.
Here’s the World Cup Schedule if you haven’t tacked it up in your cube yet.
Jun 11th

Link Machine
Marisa Miller with the top 10 reasons to ride a motorcycle (AskMen)
Twitter’s got it’s own fancy World Cup page (Twitter)
Are you ready for singles softball league action this summer? (Asylum)
Some tips on how to make the most of the World Cup with apps, sites, podcasts and more (CrunchGear)
Ever wonder which athletes get the hottest girls? (BleacherReport)
If you don’t have a team in the World Cup, here’s an article that breaks down the likability of every squad (SB Nation)
Waffles McButter outlines the 15 most inappropriate place to ice someone (BroBible)
Yep, Reggie Bush sure screwed over USC (SportsbyBrooks)
Jun 10th

2010 World Cup Betting Odds – Group Stage Matches
Oh ma gad, dude – the World Cup starts tomorrow!
Set your alarms and put the beer in the fridge, the World Cup starts tomorrow! It’s the most anticipated sporting event in the history of your life! Well, until 2014 at least. Anyway, are you ready? Have you accrued enough sick/vacation days at work? Did you stockpile enough booze and snacks to get you through the next month? Did you set your DVR just in case your sorry ass hits the snooze button?
And most importantly, did you place your bets yet?
Here are the latest odds from for every match in the Group Stage:
Jun 10th

Golden Tate – Drunken Donut 911 Call
Seattle Seahawks wide receiver Golden Tate has had an interesting week. The first year NFL player was drafted by the San Francisco Giants in the 2010 Major League Baseball Draft, but that’s not the most exciting thing that’s happened to the guy the past week.
This past Saturday, Tate was apprehended after entering a Top Pot donut shop in Bellevue, Washington, stealing some keys and feasting on some warm maple bars. The shop wasn’t open at the time.
The owners of the shop decided not to press any charges, so Tate got off with a “trespassing warning.” Tate later apologized for the incident and then tweeted yesterday that Top Pot sold four times as many donuts as a result of the incident.
Here’s the audio from the 911 call:
Jun 10th
Austrian Commercial Featuring Zidane-Style Head Butt Gets Banned
Just when you thought everyone forgot about Austria, they go and do something like this. This tame, 20-second commercial features a female office worker who busts a Zidane-style headbutt on a co-worker. The Austrians don’t like it because they say it promotes violence. Whatever. Take a look for yourself. Doesn’t seem that bad, right?
Thanks Deadspin!
Jun 9th

Photo – Christina Aguilera’s Drag Queen Clown Face
Freakin’ little kids out at birthday parties since 1998.
Jun 9th
Super Slow Motion Bitch Slap Video
This is so hilarious. Super slow motion bitch slap. Sounds like it wouldn’t be that funny, but I was cracking up through the entire thing.
Jun 9th

Stephen Strasburg Strikes Out 14 in MLB Debut
So the kid lived up to the hype.
Earlier on Twitter today, @marklavine summed up the expectations for Strasburg’s debut like this:
If Stephen Strasburg doesn’t cure cancer or walk on water tonight, I’ll be disappointed. Just sayin’
So yea man, no pressure. The Washington Nationals drafted Strasbourg number one overall last June, and the sorry-ass ball club needed a big-time lift from the highly touted (and highly paid) prospect.
Strassy didn’t disappoint. The kid tossed 99 mph pitches and finished the game with a ridiculous 14Ks. Yea okay, he gave up a two-run homer, but so what? He allowed just four hits and the two runs over seven innings. He didn’t walk anyone either.
Way to manage expectations, big guy!
Jun 8th