Take Me Home Tonight Giveaway
Take Me Home Tonight, a crazy night out comedy starring Topher Grace, Anna Faris, Dan Fogler and Teresa Palmer, hits theaters this Friday. Set in 1988, the film follows three friends who attend an end-of-summer party to celebrate the waning moments of their youth. It’s got laughs, raging, romance and of course, a ridiculous dance-off.
To find out more about the film you can visit the Official Take Me Home Tonight Facebook Page, or check out the lateast updates on the movie via Twitter (@TMHTthemove)
To celebrate the release of the film, we’re giving away a Take Me Home Tonight Prize Package that includes a Take Me Home Tonight t-shirt, mini poster and toiletry bag:
Here’s how to win:
- Follow us on twitter @MANjrcom
- Leave a comment and tell us what your favorite 80s song is
- That’s it!
The winner will be selected at random next Wednesday, March 9.
Good luck!
Mar 2nd

Last Chance to Vote for the Round of 32 in the 2011 Captain Morgan BracketMaster Challenge
Today is the last day to fill out your complete bracket for the 2011 Captain Morgan BracketMaster Challenge presented by Spike.com. If you haven’t yet done so, head over to bracketmaster.spike.com and make your selections for the Round of 32 now. You can win all kinds of cash and prizes including a $15,000 grand prize home entertainment system.
When you make your picks, be sure to vote for MANjr Morganette Erica Moore from Jacksonville in the South division. We got the opportunity to serve as an honorary Morganette coach for this tourney, and we want to make sure our girl wins it all!
What makes Erica Moore so perfectly suited to be the Ultimate Morganette you ask? Well first off, she’s totally gorgeous:
As you can see, The Captain will be in good company when Erica makes her way through the tournament and wins this thing. Undisputed hotness aside, Erica’s the type of girl who just likes to go out and have fun. And she’s totally comfortable hangin’ with the boys.
“I’m definitely a guy’s girl. I like sports. I’m not worried about gettin’ dirty or goin’ out. I go to the beach all the time and ride bikes. That’s really big here. Sunday fun days are big. We go down to the beach with a bunch of people and just enjoy the day. I’m fun. I’m always down for a good time. I’m not Debbie Downer – I gotta go out, have a good time and make sure everyone’s having fun too. You have to enjoy your life!”
So what kinds of sports does she like?
“I grew up playing pretty much every sport you can imagine. I played it, or at least tried to play it. My favorite sport to play would be volleyball. I played forever, so that one is near and dear to my heart. But as far as watching sports, I love football. That’s my favorite sport to go and watch.”
And being from Jacksonville, you know she supports the Jags.
“Absolutely, those are my boys. That’s my team and Jones-Drew is my favorite.”
And for March Madness, Erica’s got some strong feelings on who she’ll be supporting.
“As far as college basketball goes, the Florida Gators are my team. I grew up a Gator girl, so I keep pretty good tabs on all their sports.”
So Erica loves sports, she’s a guy’s girl and she’s into going out, enjoying life and having a good time. Her favorite drink is Captain Diet and she’s ridiculously good looking. Does this not sound like the Ultimate Morganette to you?
In addition to visiting the bracketmaster.spike.com site, Morganette voters can also text “ERICAM” to 44686 and as Erica told us, there’s no limit to the number of times you can text a vote for her from your phone.
“You can text as many times as you want. All day long. Till your phone dies, till your fingers fall off. You can just text and text as much as you want!”
With the Round of 32 coming to a close tomorrow, Erica will need your support in the Sweet 16. You can still win prizes for picking in the Round of 16, so make sure you visit the site, send in a text and support our girl Erica!
Mar 2nd

Azita Ghanizada Interview
Born in Kabul, Afghanistan, Azita Ghanizada is a witty, down-to-Earth, extra-attractive actress who’s appeared on TV shows like Entourage, How I Met Your Mother, Castle, Bones, Psych and NCIS: Los Angeles. As a child, Azita fled Afghanistan with her family and sought refugee asylum in the States. She was raised in Northern Virginia and eventually moved out to LA to pursue a career in acting.
Azita is set to start in the new SyFy series Alphas, a show that follows a team of ordinary citizens with extraordinary mental abilities who tackle cases that other government agencies are unable to solve. Alphas was created by Zak Penn (the writer of X-Men and X-Men 2) and will be directed by Jack Bender, who previously directed Lost. Star Trek vet Ira Steven Behr will serve as the show’s executive producer/showrunner.
We got to chat with Azita about her unique upbringing, Alphas, working with Jack Bender, what it’s like on the set of Entourage and who the funniest cast member is on How I Met Your Mother.
CS: How did you first get into acting?
AG: How did I first get into acting? I started acting in commercials actually. I did a bunch of what every day actors do. You come out here and you start taking acting classes and you study and you sign the commercials. I started working commercials and hanging out in a dark theatre with a bunch of other acting kids. I did a couple little LA plays and then started doing guest stars on television, and at the same time was kind of up for very big movies and not getting them. Things kind of shifted. There was a writer’s strike and then I kind of focused on TV. Just really did it that way in terms of how I got engaged in it.
When I was little, I learned English on television. I’m from Afghanistan. When we came over, we came here as political refugees. I was a baby and my mom was obsessed with American television and I watched TV all the time and I just thought, what a wonderful place to be, in TV. They had such great lives. I wasn’t allowed to be an actor. My parents really were very strict, concerned Afghans and they just thought that that was an obscene career for a young adult and for a woman especially. I just kind of defied them and packed my bags and moved to LA. I decided, “all right I’m going to give it a go,” and that’s what I did.
CS: Do your parents support you now?
AG: Well of course it’s all their idea (laughs). Of course now I’m like the pride and joy. I’m like the shining star of Afghanistan. They’re like “that is my daughter and I’m like, really? You’re full of shit!” So yeah, I think they’re so excited. I don’t think they’ll ever understand what it is that I’m doing. I think they would probably prefer for me to be married and be a doctor and have babies or something. But I think they’re very happy when they get to see me on television.
And I’ve done some risky stuff. And these very conservative Afghans are like calling people and saying, “oh please watch Azita on Castle.” And I’m like, “I’m a dominatrix!”
CS: (laughs)
AG: “Please don’t tell people to watch that!” and my mother’s like “who cares it looks so sexy” and I’m like “oh my god you crazy foreigner!”(laughs) But she’s very supportive now. I kind of was very defiant and independent my whole life and so whether or not they supported me never mattered. It was what I wanted to do and I worked my little butt of to do it. So as long as I did it with integrity and I did it in a way that I valued, it didn’t really matter whether they accepted my profession. I never expected them to and the fact that they’re supportive and watch all those things now is icing on the cake.
CS: So you were very young when you and your family fled Afghanistan and came to the US as refugees and were granted asylum. Was there kind of a conflict with having an American upbringing with a more traditional family setting?
AG: Absolutely. For whatever reason my parents had the hindsight to bring us into the States, but at the same time it was everything that they had no power over. They didn’t understand staying after school. They didn’t understand doing plays. They didn’t understand girls and boys working together and on the playground, things like that. It was a real struggle for them and it was a real struggle for us, because I have two sisters. So for three girls that were really kind of … I don’t know. We struggled quite a bit to fit in both the American culture and to try and fit in at home as well. But we were all very strong willed and we fought for what we thought was right both in school and at home. I think that’s a part of why I am able to achieve any amount of success. I think I’m just a fighter and I’m a little brave. And yeah, they struggled. They ended up separating when I was just in middle school. It was really hard for them because they broke all the rules of their tradition by doing so, but it was the best thing they could have done for themselves and for us. There was just a very black cloud over their names for a while because they were discouraged to do something like that. That was unheard of in the Afghan culture. You stayed married. But they didn’t. The majority of the family really kind of shunned them.
Mar 1st

SportsNation FAILy Awards on ESPN2
The weekend’s almost here, people. Things aren’t that bad. If you need some help getting through the day, check out the SportsNation FAILy Awards on ESPN2 at 4PM EST. The FAILy Awards celebrate the most epic sports fails of the year.If you think you’re having a tough day/week/month, just remember, it could be a lot worse. Take a look at all these FAILy nominees:
- Nate Robinson jumps on Paul Pierce and falls to the ground
- Rollerblade racer celebrates too early and loses at the finish line
- MMA fighter dives off top of cage and nearly knocks himself out
Teamwork FAIL
- Virginia Cavalier falls off horse
- Phil Jackson awkwardly misses fist-pound with Kobe
- Scott Tolzien gets ignored by Wisconsin teammates
Goalie FAIL
- David James misses bouncing ball, allows goal
- Sander Boschker swings leg and misses, allows goal
- Goalie does cartwheels on free kick, gets scored on anyway, taunted by opponent
- Suns spirit squad guy dunks himself by accident from trampoline
- Streetball dunker gets leg stuck in rim, needs ladder to get down
- Javale McGee takes off from free throw line, comes up short
Footwork FAIL
- British cheese rolling down a hill
- Asian hurdler wipes out, then cheats his way to finish
- Minor league mascot falls off dugout while dancing
Helmet FAIL (Marcellus Wiley presents)
- Owen Schmitt bangs helmet on head til he bleeds
- Mike Orakpo crushes helmet off other dude
- Two NFL guys get helmets stuck together
Equipment FAIL
- Boxer’s fall thru ropes of ring
- Ohio State tuba player drills camera
- Chelsea player’s shorts fall off
- Dan Henderson gets kicked in the face by Anthony Pettis off the cage
- Belfort gets kicked in the face by Silva
- Amazing Race contestant gets hit in the face with a watermelon
Nothing brings people together like celebrating the failure of others with Colin Cowherd and Michelle Beadle! So tune in today, enjoy a chuckle or 10 and remember that no matter how bad you think you have it, someone else has failed even worse.
Feb 25th
Captain Jean Luc Picard Gets a Message from Serene Branson at the Grammys
The Enterprise responds to some heavy burtation.
Feb 23rd

The 10 Worst People in the World
For the most part, I think people are inherently good. That’s just my view. I’ve always been a glass half full kinda guy. That’s not to say that there aren’t plenty of bad people out there. You encounter these people all the time, and they question your faith in humanity. To help you identify these rotten apples, we put together a list of the 10 worst people in the world. We’re not talking murderers and hardcore criminals here. Those people obviously have serious issues. We’re talking more about under-the-radar evil; people who do things that deserve an instant punch in the face (and possibly a future trip to hell). Here’s our list of the 10 worst people in the world:
10. Non-Tipping Check Splitters
You know these people. They always want to split the bill, and they give you just slightly less than the cost of their food/drink selections. No tax. No tip. Those things don’t exist in their mind. Non-tipping check splitters just look at the cost of their entrée and round down. Don’t even think about asking them to cover the cost of the drinks as well.
9. Terrible Parking Job Types
If you didn’t get it right the first time, back it the hell up and try again, fool. Whatever rush you’re in, you can afford to spend 30 more seconds adjusting your diagonal parking disaster. This is especially true in areas where parking is sparse. Don’t be a dick. Contain your car in the white lines provided and the world will be a better place.
8. Destroyers of Bathrooms
If you clog a toilet or bomb the hell out of a lavatory, do something about it. Tell someone. Sure, it’ll be an awkward conversation, but awkward actions call for awkward solutions. Locate the plunger. Find a match. Clean up your yak before you cut out. Don’t just cause massive destruction and walk away. Own up to your restroom recklessness and don’t leave horrifying surprises for the next person who walks in there.
7. Subtle Racists
They’re worse than over-the-top racists. Overt racists are comical. They’re like the crazy old uncle that everyone pities and ignores. Subtle racists are much worse. They let that shit slip out real sneaky like. They’ll toss out a “them” or “those people” once in awhile just to remind you of their contempt for diversity.
6. Aggressive Bus Boys
Look, I know you got a job to do and I know that job sucks balls. I get that and I’m sorry. You wanna move at a fast pace and keep the place looking nice, but I paid $15 for that glass of scotch, and I’m going to finish every friggin’ drop in that glass, even the melty ice section. Don’t be taking my drink when it has at least one more sip in it. Same goes to you peppy server. Wait till the glass is empty, then bus all you want.
5. Overzealous CC’ers
You know these people. Why send out an email to one person when you can loop in 75 more people who have nothing to do with the conversation? These folks don’t limit that CC shit to email either. No, they love sending out group Facebook messages to. And God forbid that someone comments on one of those. You’ll have your inbox stuffed full of useless updates on a useless chain that you should’ve never been a part of to begin with.
4. Extreme Atheists
Organized religion sucks. I get it. You don’t like it. Science is fantastic. There are no mysteries. Nothing’s unexplainable. If those are your beliefs, good for you, but keep in mind that fanatical non-belief is just as narrow-minded as blind, sheep-like faith. There gets to be a point where scientific logic breaks down. Just ask any hardcore physicist. You may not like spiritual types, but don’t take a piss on people who believe in the existence of the unknowable.
3. People Who Won’t Let You Change Lanes
I’ve had my blinker on for three and half minutes, you selfish summabitch. Clearly I need to get over. Why not take your foot off the gas for 2-3 seconds so I can sneak in the lane? Some drivers just don’t pay attention. Asian ladies come to mind. They just have no idea that you’re even there, let alone trying to change into their lane. But then there are those people that know damn well what you’re doing and they decide to push the gas pedal just enough to ef with your approach. Like it’s some sort of badge of honor to keep people from driving in front of you. You people know who you are, and you’re bad people, man.
2. The Anti-Sports Fan Who Attends the Big Sporting Event
You likely encountered this person at the Super Bowl party you attended last month. They can’t hide their contempt for all things sporty, particularly the sport you’re watching intently with a bunch of people who care about what’s going on. There are different degrees to these horrible people. There are those who think all sports are just too bro to show interest in. Then there’s the anti-sports fan that feigns interest in the sport your watching by asking annoying questions like, what’s a quarterback and why do they call it “baseball?” If you don’t like sports, that’s fine. Just don’t ruin it for the people who care.
1. People Who Touch Your Laundry
When you live in an apartment with shared laundry facilities, there are some unwritten laundry laws that you need to follow. You can’t plop a load in the washing machine and then leave for three hours. You can’t leave a thick layer of lint in the dryer filter. Those are just basic courtesies that everyone should follow. But what happens when you’re occupying the dryer and someone tosses out your clean wash and leaves it on the filthy machines. Or those people who give you all of 2 minutes to remove your stuff from the dryer once the cycle is complete. Aggressive laundry grabbers are terrible people. They’ll find any excuse to get all up in your business. If it’s a major etiquette violation, then I get it. Go ahead and move my shit. But if I’m following the basic rules of laundry, keep your hands off my boxers, neighbor.
Feb 22nd

Jessica Szohr – SoBe Lifewater SI Swimsuit Issue Ad
Last month we interviewed the lovely Jessica Szohr and shared some amazing body paint photos from her SoBe Lifewater photo shoot in Costa Rica. Here’s a look at the final ad that appears in the 2011 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue:
Make sure to check out the SI Swimsuit Issue to see Jessica and new cover girl Irina Shayk!
Feb 18th
Model vs Model SI Videos Presented by Nissan
For the 2011 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, Nissan partnered up with SI to put on a model search contest that features eights gorgeous models from around the world competing for a spot in next year’s Swimsuit Issue. This is the first time that a guaranteed spot has ever been handed out, and you get to decide who gets it. From now till March 9, you can visit SI.com/ModelSearch and cast your vote for the most deserving model.
As part of the model search campaign, Nissan released a series of Model vs. Model videos that pit the Nissan Juke against a swimsuit model. The videos are hosted by Kowalczyk, the donut-lovin’ Juke Guy. Check ‘em out:
Feb 18th

Awards Season with Movies On Demand
We’re 10 days away from the 73rd Academy Awards ceremony. Have you seen all the nominated films? If you want to win that Oscar pool, you better do some homework, man. And if you take home a 3D HDTV in the process, you’ll score more than just bragging rights.
Movies On Demand is running a new app on Facebook called “How Many Have You Seen?” The app lets you keep track of all the nominated films that you’ve seen so far and all the award season movies that are still on your list.
One grand prize winner will take home a 46” Sony Bravia 3D HDTV (a $2,500 value) and four weekly winners will get free Movies On Demand for a year.
Just visit the Movies On Demand Facebook page, Like it, complete the quick registration form and you’re all set.
Feb 17th