Posts tagged AXE

Attention Dudes: AXE Cares About Your Face
AXE has been making dudes smell better for years now, but the Unilever brand is now branching out into other men’s care products that’ll help you fix your face, man. A few weeks back, AXE sent the MANjr team a huge bag of AXE Face Care goodies, and after testing the stuff out, we’re ready to report our findings.
I should start by saying that I’m a sensitive guy. I like heartwarming films, I have a soft spot for Enya and razor burn is a problem for me and my sweet manchild babyface. Okay, glad I got that out of the way.
So needless to say, I gravitated towards the sensitive skin line of the AXE Men Face Care products. And this stuff is awesome. The AXE Shield Shave Gel for sensitive, ultra-smooth skin is fantastic. It’s a gel, but it’s not some fluorescent neon color that comes out smelling like a tropical lady drink that you’d order in the Caribbean. It’s a gel that foams up like there’s no tomorrow and actually feels and smells like men’s shaving cream. What a novel idea!
AXE has partnered with Schick and Norelco for a co-branded line of razors and electric shavers. I’ve used both shaving tools before and I have no complaints there. I probably lean more toward the Schick Hydro, but that’s just me.
So after the Schick and sensitive shave gel routine, I moved on to the sensitive AXE Shield Face Hydrator & Post-Shave Lotion. Stuff worked like a dream. Seriously, I usually have some level of post-shave irritation on my baby-soft face skin. It either happens right away or shows up in the evening or the following morning. But not with this stuff. The lotion left me non-irritable and good-smelling. That’s what it’s supposed to do, right?
Before you can get your shave on though, you need to clean up that face of yours, dude. Being a sensitive fella, I’m not opposed to a little exfoliation every now and then. I usually reach for some St. Ives apricot scrub (or a generic equivalent), but I still like face wash that foams up and leaves your skin oil-free without being too dry and harsh. This is what AXE Controil Oily Skin Face Scrub can do for you. Foamy, a little bit of exfoliation action and a nice, smooth, non-dry skin finish. Go get some.
There’s a bunch of other AXE Face flavors available. Check out to learn more about the product line and vote on user uploaded photos using Facescore.
Mar 12th
AXE Wants You to Conserve Water by Showerpooling
Water conservation doesn’t have to be difficult. It can be quite fun, actually. Find out how with this instructional video from AXE:
Oct 17th
Ted Loves AXE Messy Look (NSFW)
Here’s a quick, inappropriate AXE promo for Ted, which comes out this Friday. If you’re watching this in the office, make sure you have your headphones on!
Jun 27th

AXE Hold+Touch Giveaway
We’re teaming up with our friends at AXE for another great giveaway. Summer’s almost over but there’s still time for one more summer season short haircut. If you’re rocking the trim look, you’re going to need to put some product on your dome to give it a bit of style. AXE just rolled out three new Hold+Touch products that’ll help you get the job done:
- AXE Hold+Touch Spiking Glue for normal hair
- AXE Hold+Touch Cream Wax for thick hair
- AXE Hold+Touch Paste for fine hair
The AXE Hold+Touch styling products give you that strong styled hold with no crunchy side effects. So you can still get the look you want without having to go all plastic cement style. Your summer fling can run her fingers through your hair and she won’t need to wash her hands afterwards.
Aug 31st

AXE Buzzed Look Cream + SPF 15 and the Wounded Warrior Project
Summertime is here, so it’s time to cut that friggin’ mop, bro. You don’t want to enter the beach season with overly floppy hair. Trim that top proper for the warm months ahead. Plus, studies show that chicks dig the buzz cut. Seriously. Based on a national survey conducted by StrategyOne earlier this year, three out of every four girls say they’re more likely to run their hands through a buzz cut because they like the soft feel of the buzz.
But the buzz cut can also lead to too much sun exposure and scalp sunburns. If red, peeling scalp isn’t the look you’re going for, check out AXE Buzzed Cream + SPF 15. The cream gives your buzz some style while protecting it from the sun’s rays.
As part of the product launch efforts, AXE donated $50,000 to the Wounded Warrior Project. This non-profit organization supports troops that are injured in the line of the duty. Lo Bosworth was on hand at the AXE Lounge in Southampton, New York to show her support for the Wounded Warrior Project. If you want to support buzz cuts and a good cause, just head over to the AXE Facebook page and give ‘em a thumbs up.
Jun 21st

Hangover 2 Review
The fine folks at Axe invited the MANjr team to the Hangover 2 premiere at the Chinese Theater in Hollywood on Thursday. Traffic getting there was absolute madness and Hollywood Blvd was closed off for an elaborate red carpet setup. Screaming fans lined the streets before, during and after the movie. A bunch of people even stuck around to check out celebs leaving the after party.
It goes without saying that the first Hangover film was incredible. Going into the sequel, I had my doubts that the magic of the first movie could be repeated. I mean, I get that they’re in Bangkok this time, but could the second film be as explosively funny as the first without a wholesale rehash of all the same elements?
Without a doubt, Hangover 2 leaned heavily on the formula of the first movie, but it still held its own as an outrageous, gut-buster. So many elements were repeated, but you just had to allow it. You just had to roll with it and just have a good time.
The premise of the movie is that Stu’s getting married in Thailand, so the guys fly out for his big day. Couple days before the wedding, one beer turns into so much more, and after a time-lapse shot accelerates the clock, we pick back up with the same drunken haze memory loss that served as the starting point for the last film. The Wolfpack is left with a lot of questions, and they have to piece together the events from the previous night in order to get their shit together and make it back to the wedding on time.
It sounds all too familiar, to be sure, but it was still a fun ride. Todd Phillips made another gorgeous movie that combined sweet cinematic shots, great music, just enough action and extra-bizarre details from a risky, ridiculous and elaborate night out.
Ed Helms is still stressed, Bradley Cooper’s still the instigator, Justin Bartha’s still underdeveloped and Zach Galifianakis steals most of the scenes (again). Add in some Ken Jeong, Paul Giamatti, Jamie Chung and a quick dose of Tyson, and you got a well-rounded cast that can re-live familiar glory without slipping into tired staleness.
Hangover 2 succeeded for all the same reasons that the first one did. It keeps you engaged and hits you with constant doses of ludicrous laughs. It’s well paced, well cast and well put together. If you’re looking for surprises, you won’t find any. But if you loved the first film, why not go for round two?
May 20th

Scream 4 Review
The first Scream flick was a good movie. You know it was. It infused horror films with a type of style and humor that was fresh and easy to consume. The film knew that it belonged to a greater catalog of horror films, and it made clever use of this knowledge. The first Scream paid homage to horror films of old, but it did so in a way that recognized and lampooned existing horror film formulas. The sequels got old, to be sure, but that original Scream movie seemed to hit all of the right notes.
The same is true with Scream 4. Seriously. It captured that old, self-aware, self-deprecating vibe of the first film, but it still brought an updated, fresh take to the whole franchise. Reboot jokes were commonplace. Scream 4 never took itself too seriously, but it still pushed all the right horror buttons without coming across as stale. It poked fun without turning tired. That’s not easy to do.
Let’s be clear, this isn’t some breakthrough film that’ll change the way movies are made. It’s just a fun trip down a familiar path. It had old stars and new faces, a smart intro and plenty of cameos. Add in some amusing death scenes, a good bit of intrigue and some serious plastic surgery, and you got 111 minutes of quality slash and laughs.
I didn’t have massive expectations for a fourth Scream film. How good could it be? We’ve seen it all before. So when AXE Shower hooked us up with tickets to the Scream 4 premiere at the Chinese Theater in Hollywood, our expectations were minimal at best. Before the film started, Bob Weinstein said that if it were up to his brother, they would’ve made a bunch more of these films. We were skeptical. And the lively, supportive crowd likely played a factor, but after watching the thing, I wasn’t thinking about what didn’t work in this film. I was thinking about all the things that did work – the stuff that makes you happy you went to the movie theater.
The fourth Scream installment is not just watchable, it’s actually enjoyable. Were there things that could’ve been better? For damn sure. The acting with the younger crowd was lacking a bit. Did the movie force you to suspend some bit of critical judgment in favor of having a good time? Of course. You just gotta know what you’re getting into and have fun with it.
Bottom line, Scream 4 is unexpectedly entertaining, and well worth a visit to your local movie spot. I’m sure it’ll blow up this weekend.
Apr 12th

AXE Hair + Autographed Sam Bradford Football Giveaway
A couple weeks ago, we told you about Sam Bradford getting a buzz cut courtesy of AXE Hair. Bradford is the new spokesman for AXE Hair, and his buzz cut was part of the promotion to support the launch of a new AXE Hair product, AXE Buzzed Look Cream + SPF 15.
Well now we’re teaming up with AXE to give away a full line of AXE hair products and an autographed football from the NFL Offensive Rookie of the Year!
One lucky winner will receive a football with Sam Bradford’s John Hancock and an AXE Hair gift package that includes the following products:
- NEW! AXE Understated Look Cream + Tea Tree Extract gives light hold for a natural, relaxed look that begs for Hair Action
- NEW! AXE Buzzed Look Cream + SPF 15 protects guys’ scalps from UVA/UVB rays while keeping hair soft and touchable
- AXE Smooth & Sophisticated Look Shine Pomade gives shine and long-lasting control for a smooth, polished look she’ll find irresistible
- AXE Messy Look Paste gives hair a messy, just-out-of-bed look she’ll want to run her hands through
- AXE Spiked-Up Look Putty gives hair hold without all the hard crunch of gel that girls hate
- AXE Clean-Cut Look Pomade gives guys a polished look she’ll notice, without appearing wet
That’s a pretty sweet haul if you ask us. So what do you have to do to score this AXE Hair/Bradford super-package? Simple:
- Follow us on twitter @MANjrcom
- Leave us a comment telling us how you think Bradford and the Rams will perform next year
- That’s it!
One winner will be selected at random next Wednesday, February 16.
Good luck!
Feb 9th

AXE Gives Sam Bradford a Buzz
Rams QB Sam Bradford had a ridiculous rookie season. The first overall pick in the 2009 NFL draft passed for over 3,500 yards, reinvigorated the franchise and led the Rams to a 7-9 record. The dude set NFL rookie records and was one win away from taking his team to the playoffs. And he did it all with that ridiculous mop top.
Well now that the season’s over, the mop has been buzzed, courtesy of AXE Hair celeb stylist Amy Komorowski. Bradford cuts his scraggly hair at the end of every season. It’s kind of a tradition for him. But now he’s the new spokesman for AXE Hair, so he went full buzz yesterday to support the launch of a new AXE Hair product – the AXE Buzzed Look Cream + SPF 15.
The mop’s not gone for good, though. Ever since high school, Bradford’s been growing his hair out during the football season. So you can expect the same goofy Bradford look when the young QB takes the field in his second year.
With so much focus on his hair, Bradford knows that his teammates will probably let him hear it.
“No matter what, my teammates love to give me crap about everything from what I wear to my hair,” Bradford said. “I’m definitely expecting to get some flack about this.”
Expect a hefty dose of locker room jokes next season, big guy.
Jan 27th