Luke Evans is teaming up with Stella Artois to share some knowledge.  Stella Artois is launching the first-ever mindfulness guide to properly enjoying a beer in partnership with the modern meditation experts at Inscape. STELLASPACE is a 20-minute audio guide that takes users on a journey through mindfully sipping a Stella Artois – blending meditation techniques with beer tasting notes and witty personal anecdotes from narrator and actor Luke Evans for a complete sensory experience.

Why 20 minutes? The Stella Artois beer experts agree: 20 minutes is the optimal time needed to truly appreciate every sip of this full-flavored Belgian lager. In short STELLASPACE is intentionally designed to inspire mindful drinking with friends as listeners breathe, focus and “sip and know they are sipping.”

You can purchase the Sip & Savor Chalice ($12.00) – while supplies last can be found HERE

Stella Artois Cidre Spritz Summer Cocktail:

A twist on the cocktail of the summer, and Luke Evan’s personal favorite – an Aperol Spritz – the Stella Artois Cidre Spritz offers a refreshing option easy to create for a perfect evening of summer sipping with friends. Less time cocktail mixing, more time to enjoy happy hour.


·         5 oz of Stella Artois Cidre

·         1.5 oz Aperol

·         .5 oz Grand Mariner

·         1 oz Grapefruit Juice

·         Grapefruit Twist

Directions: Build ingredients in a Cidre wine glass with ice, stir. Garnish with a grapefruit twist. Open the Inscape app, turn on STELLASPACE, sip slowly, and enjoy.

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