Posts tagged taco

Taco Tuesday Just Got Better!
Our prayers have been answered. We now have the perfect drink to go with Taco Tuesdays. Captain Morgan struck gold yet again with their latest spirit called Taco Rum. The Captain is “spicing” up its newest white rum offering and reinvigorating the entire category with a taco flavored rum, perfect for the loads of individuals falling in love with all things cheese, beef and crunch.
Too many times I have yearned for rum that tastes like a taco. I am so psyched to try this rum out. They have great timing too as Cinco De Mayo is just about a month away. I smell a new favorite drink of choice for those will be celebrating on May 5th.
So how did Captain Morgan get the zesty taste of taco into rum? Great question. They crafted this new rum by mixing the Caribbean’s finest white rum with Mexico’s freshest blends of cheddar, jack and Chihuahua cheeses, along with green chilies, perfectly diced tomatoes and succulent beef, to make each sip of Captain Morgan Taco Rum deliver a remarkably delicious taste. Like its predecessor, this liquid is five times distilled to ensure a smooth finish that explodes with authentic flavor to delight even the most avid taco connoisseurs.
There is even a new cocktail to get even more taco and rum flavor together. Check out the video here.
Its suggested pour, a taco-tini, served in a shredded cheese rimmed glass looks to overtake the popularity of margaritas this summer and has earned rave reviews from various mixologists. With the recent lime shortage, consumers are encouraged to garnish all their Captain Morgan Taco Rum cocktails with a jalapeno to add some heat. The product will be available for a limited time with a suggested retail price of $16.99. Consumers can visit to learn more and order the product.
Oh and by the way….Happy April Fool’s Day!
Apr 1st