What if you went to see a play, only to realize you were the star of it? Thrown into the spotlight for an evening of unexpected challenges -would you take the stage? Heineken presents The Guest of Honor, a one night immersive theater experience. You can watch. Or you can act.

Watch as everyday people take the stage and showcase their legendary side in Heineken’s immersive theater production, “The Guest of Honor,” at Heineken’s USA YouTube page and join the conversation with #guestofhonor and #openyourworld.

The immersive theater scene in New York provides a rich experience for theater fans, and Heineken’s latest “social experiment,” “The Guest of Honor” takes it to a new level by putting people at the center of the production., In past  “social experiments”, Heineken has sent people to unknown destinations around the world on the spot, and broadcasted holiday karaoke-singers in Times Square.