Posts tagged Darth Vader

How to Celebrate Star Wars Day
Every year on May 4th fans of the “Star Wars” saga go out and revel in everything about a galaxy that is far, far away. Whether you hear someone say to you, “May the fourth be with you,” or see some posts on Facebook or Twitter you can spot fans of the film.
The day started out as a grassroots campaign that came from the famous Jedi line “May the Force be with you.” Every year there became a bigger following and more and more people were celebrating “Star Wars” on that day.
You can show your support by going on Twitter and Facebook and use the hashtag #MayThe4thBeWithYou to show that you are enjoying “Star Wars” Day. There was even a video made from Lucasfilm of Bonnie Burton asking people on the streets of San Francisco about “Star Wars” Day and how fans can celebrate.
In case you would like to participate in the celebration on May 4th, here are ten fun ways that you can enjoy and partake in the festivities. This list is courtesy of
1. Have a “Star Wars” movie marathon with friends and family! But do you start with the prequels or the original trilogy? Do you mix in some episodes of “The Clone Wars”? Better decide before your guests arrive, or you may spend the day in a heated debate.
2. Dressing up for special occasions is important, and May the 4th is no different. Wearing anything from your favorite “Star Wars” shirt to full-on Stormtrooper gear is completely acceptable. (It’s okay to dress up your pet, too. Bounty hunter bulldogs are especially encouraged.)
3. Food is an essential part of any holiday. Death Star Popcorn Balls or Wookiee Cookies, anyone? Find a variety of recipes on!
4. Toast the saga with the ultimate “Star Wars”-themed beverage: blue milk, just like Aunt Beru used to make!
5. Feel the Force with “Star Wars” crafts: turn old socks and rocks into awesome “Star Wars” keepsakes! Learn how to make a Chewbacca Sock Puppet, “Star Wars” Snow Globe, and more at!
6. Have you Vadered anyone yet? Now’s the time to give it a try and be sure to Tweet your photo to @starwars!
7. You know that Rebel Alliance symbol tattoo you’ve been thinking about getting? Today’s the day.
8. Sometimes people use holidays to travel to new places. Why not go to Disneyland or Disney World and ride Star Tours? There are over 50 separate mission possibilities.
9. As Yoda said, “Pass on what you have learned.” Introduce a younger sibling, family member, or friend to “Star Wars”!
10. Do you have any “Star Wars” toys that you don’t need any more? Donate them and make May the 4th really memorable for children in need.
Plus this year marks the 30th anniversary of “Return of the Jedi” which makes this year’s celebration even more special. Also fans of the movie franchise are stoked with the new trilogy of movies beginning with “Star Wars: Episode VII” that will be coming to theaters soon. So this May 4th remember to party like you just defeated the Empire and as always, “May the fourth and the Force be with you!”
If you are looking to try out some of the family friendly drink recipes check out a few here to get you started as you watch the “Star Wars” saga.
Blue Milk
1 cup milk
½ teaspoon unsweetened blue fruit punch mix
Pour the milk into a tall glass and gently stir in the blue fruit punch mix. The drink should be lightly tinted blue. Adjust the amount of mix to get the color that you like. Add sugar to taste.
Greedo Fauxito
For those who might not remember Greedo was the bounty hunter in “Episode IV: A New Hope” that tried to bring Han Solo back to Jabba the Hutt. Here is drink recipe that pays him homage.
One lime
8-10 fresh mint leaves
Lemon-lime soda
Squeeze juice of one lime into a tall glass. Add fresh mint leaves and muddle with a cocktail muddler or spoon. Fill glass with ice. Add lemon-lime soda to fill the glass.
Tatooine Sunset
1 cup orange juice
¼ cup grenadine syrup (approximately)
Fill a tall glass with ice, and orange juice. Slowly pour in grenadine syrup and allow to settle on the bottom.
Apr 23rd