Posts tagged AMC

Watch The First 2 Minutes of the Mid-Season Premiere Of The Walking Dead
AMC released the first two minutes of the “Walking Dead” midseason premiere on Tuesday. In this clip we get an idea of where they might be heading. It looks like a camp near Richmond, Virginia. In the “Walking Dead” comics, the survivors also go to Virginia. It looks as though they might be using some of the comic book story arcs in the end of Season 5.
Feb 4th

Watch The New Walking Dead Trailer
“We do what we need to do and then we get to live,” Grimes says in the new trailer for the second half of The Walking Dead’s Season Five. “I know we’ll be ok,” he adds, “because this is how we survive.”
Who is also looking forward to the season starting back up again?
Jan 22nd

Charles Baker Talks “Murder In The First,” “Breaking Bad,” & More
Charles Baker made a career for himself in Texas and before even stepping foot in Hollywood had thirty-seven credits. Known for his role as ‘Skinny Pete’ on “Breaking Bad,” Baker can now be seen in the new TNT drama “Murder in the First” alongside Tom Felton and Taye Diggs. Set in San Francisco, the series will follow a single case across an entire season.
Later this year, Baker will star opposite Reese Witherspoon in the Fox Searchlight picture “Wild,” set to open in select theaters countrywide on Friday, December 5, 2014. “Wild” powerfully captures the terrors and pleasures of one young woman forging ahead against all odds on a journey that angers, strengthens, and ultimately heals her.
Baker will be in a variety of independent films including “You Can’t Win” as ‘Fremont Older,’ (based on a real journalist) in a drama set in the 1920s centered around the unusual friendship between an adventurer and a young prostitute, opposite Hannah Marks, Michael Pitt, and Jeremy Allen White, “Ad Inexplorata” as ‘Captain Frank Worsely,’ the captain of a supply station in space, and “Eleven Eleven,” as ‘Tim Faris,’ a UFO fanatic desperately trying to prove to his family that abductions are real.
You can listen to my interview with Charles Baker HERE!
Jun 15th

“The Walking Dead” Inspired Cocktails
The Season 4 premiere of “The Walking Dead” is this Sunday. To celebrate the return of AMC’s hit show here are some apocalyptic-inspired cocktails for you and your friends to enjoy during the show.
While you ponder what lies ahead of Sherriff Rick Grimes and his team of survivors as things looks ominous as they square off against the walkers why not kick back and relax on one of these drinks? You can sip on a “Woodbury’s Harvest” as you watch the group stand their ground at the prison, or mix up a “Black and Buried” or “The Walker” to get a taste for the post-apocalyptic world the survivors are living in.
Maybe one of these drinks were created in Woodbury when they would have one of their festivals. Not sure the prison has any of the ingredients below to make these cocktails, but you do. So while watching this season have a drink for Rick and his crew.
1 oz Captain Morgan Black Spiced Rum
½ oz Stirrings Espresso Flavored Liqueur
3 Dashes Chocolate Bitters
5 oz Cola
DIRECTIONS: In an ice filled Collins or rocks glass combine all the ingredients and then stir to blend.
Woodbury’s Harvest
1¼ oz Captain Morgan Black Spiced Rum
2½ oz Apple Cider
1/4 oz Fresh Lemon Juice
DIRECTIONS: Combine all the ingredients in a shaker with ice. Shake well and strain into an ice filled Collins glass. Garnish with apple slices.
Black & Buried
1 oz Captain Morgan Black Spiced Rum
½ oz Zwack Liqueur
3 Blackberries
4 oz Cola
1 Lemon Wedge
DIRECTIONS: Add blackberries to a cocktail shaker and crush with a spoon. Add Captain Morgan Black Spiced Rum, Zwack Liqueur and shake vigorously. Strain into a Collins glass over fresh ice and top with cola. Garnish with a Lemon Wedge.
Oct 8th

Chad Coleman Interview
Chad Coleman might be best known for playing the character Dennis “Cutty” Wise from “The Wire,” but that role is taking a back seat to his role on “The Walking Dead” as the character Tyreese. Coleman joined the popular AMC show last year during Season 3. Chad and the rest of the crew are gearing up for Season 4 which will air on Sunday, October 13th.
From film to TV, Chad has been part of many great movies and shows. I had the great pleasure of sitting down to talk with Chad about “The Walking Dead,” and more.
Art Eddy: You joined the cast in Season 3 playing the character Tyreese. You and your small group of survivors reach the prison where Rick and his crew set up camp. You don’t get that great of a welcome. What was Tyreese’s first impression of Rick?
Chad Coleman: Well, initially considering the rest of the group and understanding he was the leader, Hershel and everyone else presented themselves in a very formidable, community oriented way. So, the possibility of being part of that community was exciting.
Then of course Rick comes in and throws everything off the rails, but I didn’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. I was trying to give the guy the benefit of the doubt. Based on everything I saw before me, and everything we assessed, this guy couldn’t have been just a crazy maniac and an effective leader.
From what we saw I was just trying to give the guy the benefit of the doubt, but I was also going to protect my people. Better to live to die another day than just lose my head and get us into a much deeper and much more precarious situation.
AE: You guys were thrown out of the prison by Rick as he was hallucinating. Do you think your character would rather take his chances with zombies than a crazy guy with a gun?
CC: Absolutely. That was the bottom line. When we were assessing the situation we had done okay. We were dog tired and ready for safe haven for sure, but we know we could handle ourselves out there in those woods if it was called for. Even though we were trying like hell to get out of it we at least knew what we were up against. We would rather deal with that opposition than to deal with a guy that was (laughs)… I don’t really know what was going on.
AE: Then you and your sister Sasha end up in Woodbury with the Governor, who is able to hide his crazy. Did Woodbury seem too good to be true for Tyreese and Sasha?
CC: I think initially. I think that was what we were trying to go for when we first met him. It was very much about “hey let’s not fall into temptation”. We know the world that we are living in. That’s why when we shot that scene and Greg Nicotero directed it we took a lot of time with that scene. It was very important that we just didn’t go, ‘Hey whoo-hoo free showers and food! Yea!’
It was like where are we? What are we dealing with? This guy has encountered (Rick) as well. There had been casualties. We had to make sure that we built that into that scene. When he was asking me how to get into that prison I had called up the producer, at the time it was Glen Mazzara, I said “hey man how do we do this?” I don’t want to feel like I am just throwing these people under the bus because of Rick.
I felt a good connection with Hershel and even Carl. I know that he is a young kid with a gun, but he was rational. He was level headed. I said “hey tread lightly”. There is nothing going on here that can’t lead us here to the security and safety that we are looking for. We have to be precautious as well. That scene was a hard decision for me to make.
AE: Towards the end of Season 3 you and Sasha join Rick’s crew. What was Tyreese’s feeling on joining them?
CC: If you go back and look at it Hershel presented himself in such a manner. The humanity was there. I felt like if that guy had spent that much time around Rick, Rick could not be that out there. I guess we caught him at a bad time. As things would have it, it did turn out that way. As the situation unfolded it is like, okay now coming back and Rick accepting us, I pretty much could say alright this guy was just having a bad day.
To see (Rick) allow the rest of the Woodbury community to come as well I was very happy. Andrea played a pivotal part in our decision making too, when we ran into her at the top of the bus. What she shared with us, stayed with us. That played into our decision to not go with the Governor and to see who he was. When we got to that gate and we were trying to get Carrie back Rick stepped out first. He showed what a man he really was. So for us right now it is like how do we fit into this community?
AE: Season 4 airs on October 13th. Can you give me a little bit of info on what we can expect from Tyreese?
CC: You guys are going to get to know Tyreese in a way you haven’t seen thus far. It is epic. It is gut wrenching. That goes across the board for Season 4. No one goes untested. No one goes unscathed in a post apocalyptical world. It is just not going to happen.
Look at Hershel as the voice of reason and look at what happened to him. Look at where his character started from and the arc his character took. Tyreese has a sense of that. He is a voice of reason. He has a certain moral compass and a right way to do things. Everybody gets put into the blender. That’s the way it goes. When you witness what happens it is some jaw dropping stuff.
AE: I love the show “The Talking Dead” that follows “The Walking Dead.” You have been on that show. How much fun did you have on that show and also how did it feel to see the reactions of the fans since the show has a live audience?
CC: That is one of the biggest pleasures of doing that show. You are right there with the audience. You are right there with the fans. Right there with the people who made it. You are talking 12.5 million people a week. You see that passion firsthand, and you get to have fun with it. You get to learn about the insight of other people watching the show. You also get to have a spooky phone call on the live show. That call was incredible and bizarre. The producers cut the phone call with the caller pretty quickly.
AE: Yea! (Chris) Hardwick was ticked that they cut him off. You were with Norman (Reedus) at the time right?
CC: Yea I was with Norman and some comedian. I think she was from “Community.” She was a great guest. People on Twitter were putting up pictures saying “hey this is what your face looked like”. It was funny. I was messing with Reedus. I asked him if that was one of his friends. It was appropriately bizarre. You couldn’t have planned that any better.
AE: What are some funny things that happen on the set between filming scenes?
CC: It is always hard to remember. We joke around, that’s for sure. We have fun with each other like doing a silly dance right before we go on and we will say crazy stuff to each other. It is more like locker room humor. It always depends on what scene that we are working on. Sometimes just the crazy mishaps that happen when we are doing physical stuff. You miss, and end up stepping on a zombie by mistake. These things happen. Some of the stuff is is the type where you ask are you okay, but it is still kind of funny.
Oct 7th

Charles Baker talks about the last season of Breaking Bad and the hopes for a spinoff show
Charles Baker stars on the hit AMC series “Breaking Bad” as Skinny Pete. He is a drug distributor that has been friends with Aaron Paul’s character since high school. He can be described as a guy that just got in with the wrong crowd.
What originally was supposed to be a one episode gig with the credit of ‘Skinny Stoner,’ turned into ‘Skinny Pete’ in the matter of two episodes. Baker recalls the moment he stepped on set of season one and loudly proclaimed the lines “Yo! I’m Skinny Pete!” Five years later, and ‘Skinny Pete’ has become a household name that resonates with every “Breaking Bad” fan, with fan art sent to him on a regular basis.
A native of Washington D.C. and raised in Hawaii, Baker got his start acting in elementary and high school, always participating in school plays and musicals. During a stint as a member of a band in college, he overheard his bandmates talk about how he lacked any stage presence and he took it upon himself to improve and enrolled in acting classes.
Besides “Braking Bad” Baker can now be seen in a variety of television and film including the upcoming NBC series “The Blacklist” opposite James Spader to premiere this Fall and Fox’s “The Good Guys” opposite Colin Hanks.
I spoke with Charles about “Breaking Bad”, Skinny Pete, and what is coming up next for the talented actor.
Art Eddy: You play Skinny Pete, a drug distributor that has been friends with Aaron Paul’s character, Jesse Pinkman, since high school. I read that your character was supposed to be in just one episode. Tell me how it went from a one-time role to you having a reoccurring role on this hit series.
Charles Baker: I was originally hired to be just a skinny stoner in Episode 4 of the first season. That was really my name, skinny stoner. I was ready for that. (Laughs) About a week later they called me back and said, ‘Hey, why don’t you come back.’ They really didn’t say much after that. It was kind of a quick thing.
They sent me the script. They flew me in. I got there and the first thing I noticed was I got to yell, ‘Yo, I’m Skinny Pete!’ I was like that must be my name now. I’m Skinny Pete now. Bryan Cranston came up to me right before we were about to shoot a scene in Tuco’s office.
Bryan was walking by and turned and made a B-line to me and said, ‘Man, I heard a lot great things about you and I am so glad you are here. Did you hear about how this came about?’
I said no and that I was really curious. He said that they originally hired Matt Jones, “Badger”, to do this scene. This was the scene where he introduces Walt to Tuco. After they shot their first episode with Matt Jones, they realized that he was a good actor, but he brought a level of goofiness to the role that they weren’t really expecting.
They didn’t think that he was hard enough or tough enough to have done prison time with Tuco and survive. They were kind of in a hurry to figure out who do we get to be this guy. Do we create a new character or what? Vince Gilligan luckily remembered me and said let’s get that stoner dude. He was pretty good. Let’s just bring him back.
Luckily for they brought me back. I have only done a few bit parts on television before so I was thrilled. That’s kind of the dream of an actor. Get pulled in for a bit part and then they say, ‘Hey I love that. Let’s keep you.’ Here I am on the best television show in history.
AE: I also hear that you get a lot of fan art from people who dig your character and the show. What has that been like and what type of fan art do you get?
CB: I have a deep love for all forms of art. My mom was a painter when I was real young. I still have her paintings. I studied violin when I was a child. I love all forms. I have taken dance, tap, jazz, and ballet. I have studied Shakespeare. All forms of art is just a wonderful expression of the human spirit and the soul.
The artists that have contacted me and said, ‘Hey I saw this picture of you and I would love to do a drawing of it.’ To hear that is overwhelming. A lot of incredible artists have done portraits of me. I am not exactly Mona Lisa, so it has got to be one of the most flattering to ever happen to me. My wife has them all framed. She has a wall of different portraits of me as Skinny Pete, me as myself. There is one where it is of me and my kids of an Instagram picture that I took.
It is so endearing to me. Not only do they do these pictures, but they send them to me. I am not being asked to pay for these things. They are not asking for money. They are doing it for the love of the show and somehow I have inspired them. You see it everywhere. They have had art exhibits and in museums where it was all about “Breaking Bad.” So many artists create stuff not just from the show, but about imagery about the show. It is kind of amazing to me.
AE: “Breaking Bad” is a phenomenal show. For you what makes the show such a big hit?
CB: One, I am a huge fan of the show myself since it started. It is neat that I am such a different person from that character that I can disengage myself from the fact I am in it while I am watching it.
Matt Jones made a great point why it was so successful. I totally agreed with it. A lot of people know people like Badger and Skinny Pete. A lot of people in this country are affected by drugs one way or the other. That is real to people. Zombies attacking the world, that is not as real to people.
1960’s newsmen is a riveting story, but not really real to people. This story really connects with people, because it could be any of us. We all know someone who has had severe medical problems that their insurance wouldn’t cover. They were desperate. We have all been in that place. At one point you might have thought to sell drugs or something.
That is part of it. We manage to sympathize with Walt. It is kind of the zeitgeist of this time. Insurance doesn’t cover health bills and you can’t make it if you are making an honest living. A lot of people feel that way right now. That is why we are all pulling for him.
AE: This will be the show’s last season. As an actor is it hard to say goodbye to your character and the show?
CB: It really is. Every time I hear the rumors of the Saul Goodman spinoff I get a little excited. They got to use me a little bit don’t they? As an actor I don’t want to be Skinny Pete for the rest of my life. I want to be Hamlet someday. I don’t expect it, but I at least like to have that hope. Skinny Pete has become such a huge name for a lack of a better word.
It will just be fun to just stick my head out and say ‘Hey I’m still here bitches,’ every now and then. Especially if I do get to be Hamlet. Then pop out and say ‘To be or not to be….Boom! Yo, what do you think of that bitch?’ I think that would be fun.
AE: You are going to be in the new series called “The Blacklist.” Can you tell me a bit about the show and your character?
CB: On “Blacklist” James Spader is the lead. Pretty much for most people that is all you got to say and they will say, ‘Yea I will watch that.’ He plays one of the FBI’s most wanted, who for reasons only known to him right now, turns himself in to the FBI with the agreement that he helps them catch people that are worse than him.
I got this awesome job of playing, if he was Batman I would be Alfred. I am his driver, his butler, his confidant. If he pulls something out of his butt and is kind of magical it is probably me standing behind him holding it there for him. It is definitely a cool character. It is a different kind of thing from Skinny Pete. He is articulate. He can spell. He actually gets to shave, which is nice. I don’t know what will happen for this character yet, but there is so much potential there.
Aug 9th

Benjamin Charles Watson Talks About Joining the Cast of AMC’s “The Killing.”
Benjamin Charles Watson recently joined the cast of AMC’s “The Killing.” Watson plays the character of ‘Rayna,’ an outspoken cross-dresser who longs to be loved and accepted for who he really is. He co-stars with actors Mireille Enos and Joel Kinnaman.
You might have seen Ben in the short lived, CW series “The L.A. Complex” that aired last year. He played the role of Tariq. Ben’s film credits include a lead role in “The Limits” and the short film “Pooka.” His other television credits include SyFy’s “Warehouse 13″ and the TV movie for CBS “Jesse Stone: Innocents Lost.”
Watson was nice enough to answer my questions about his new role on “The Killing” and his past TV experiences.
Art Eddy: You joined the cast of AMC’s “The Killing” this season. Tell me about your role and what your character brings to the show?
Benjamin Watson: I play ‘Rayna’ on this season’s “The Killing”. She’s an outrageous, full-of-life, transgendered teen trying to find acceptance and love in her world. What Rayna brings to the show is vital because she sees something she isn’t supposed to see, and ultimately could put her street credibility in jeopardy.
AE: Were you a fan of the show before landing the role of Rayna?
BW: Absolutely! I was a huge, huge fan of the show!! The writing is spectacular, I loved the clever bravado of the characters, and not to mention the story itself, plus the outcome of season two had me in tears.
AE: What type of research and preparation did you do this role?
BW: I read a ton of books and online journals to understand the psychological mindset of someone coping with being the wrong gender. I also watched several YouTube videos of individuals going through the same changes. They talked about the journey and how they were discriminated against, which was very important because Rayna had been hugely discriminated against and abused by her stepfather.
And let’s not forget that I had to walk in a lot of high heels, so that preparation resulted in lots of ice packs and soaking of my feet!
AE: How was it to build up a chemistry with the cast of “The Killing?”
BW: I found building a chemistry to be pretty easy, because being a part of the street kids felt like we were a family. We would also hang out and have dinner and movie nights together, which helped our bond show through naturally on screen.
Mireille and Joel are such talented and amazing actors, and actually make you feel as if you’re a part of the family. So from that aspect, it was like working with amazing old friends.
AE: We are a few shows into this season. Have you received any feedback from fans about your character?
BW: Everyone so far has said that they didn’t recognize me and that this character is so different from what they have known me to play. But so far all positive responses!
AE: You starred as Tariq Muhammad in the TV series “L.A. Complex.” Was that your first show as a regular cast member and if so what was that experience like?
BW: Yes, it was my first time being a series regular, and the experience was terrifying but also incredibly amazing and stimulating. It gave me the opportunity to grow with my character over a longer, sustained amount of time, and I understood and felt so much of Tariq and his desire to find love. It was truly a remarkable experience!
AE: Do you still stay in touch with the cast of “L.A. Complex?”
BW: When opportunity presents itself I do keep in touch, but with schedules and being in different cities it gets complicated.
AE: You also were on the SyFy’s “Warehouse 13″ which has a geek cult type following. What do you remember about doing that show?
BW: Wow!! I remember getting on set in downtown Toronto where we were transported to “Egypt” and I was simply amazed!
AE: Are you currently working on other projects?
BW: I’m currently working on a few of my own projects at the moment. I have been writing a script for the past 3 years that is close to my heart, and I’m getting closer to getting it on camera.
Jun 24th