The MANjr Team
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Posts by The MANjr Team
Drunk Hipster Michael Jackson With Midgets
This photo is just plain awesome. I caught it on Danger Shark’s Facebook page, always a source for inspirational material. Here’s the caption that Danger Shark included, which I could never even attempt to top:
“Michael Jackson, dressed like a hipster, swigging vodka straight from the bottle, partying with coked out midgets.”
Nov 23rd

Schick Hydro Target Holiday Gift Pack
Christmas is coming up quick and that means it’s time to start making a list of all the people you need to get gifts for. You’re likely to hook up some people more than others, and if you need an inexpensive holiday gift for someone, don’t blow your small budget on a useless item. If you only have 10 bucks to spend on your dad, uncle, brother, cousin, son, nephew or any other dude needing an affordable gift, consider the Schick Hydro Holiday Pack at Target.
This holiday gift package is available at Target for $10. Yep, just one Alexander Hamilton. It comes in a nice big shiny box, so you won’t look like a massive cheapskate in front of your family. The box includes one Schick Hydro razor, five replacement cartridges and a bottle of Schick Hydro Moisturizing Shave Gel.
The Schick Hydro razor is pretty sweet. It has five blades that have these skin guards that smooth your skin over as you’re shaving, The hydrating gel reservoir is where it’s at though. This is the protective strip above the blades that has this gooey combo of Aloe and Vitamin E. I received one of these boxes and I’ve used the razor a bunch of times. It’s still gooey without too much gooey. That thing still glides up and down my face after multiple uses. The Moisturizing Shave Gel is one of those extra-blue, super-foaming gel deals where a little gel can go a long way. A tiny amount of blue will end up covering your whole face in foam.
It’s all pretty high tech sounding, but it works. The thing about the Hydro is that you always feel like there’s a protective layer between your face and the blade. This reduces irritation and razor burn and generally makes for a pretty comfortable shaving experience. Getting someone all this in a $10 package is a nice way to say, “I couldn’t spend all that much but hey, at least I got you something that you’re actually gonna use.” It’s the thought that counts, but it’s the practicality of the gift that’ll score you extra appreciation points in the long run.
Nov 19th

Hardee’s Texas Toast Bacon Cheese Thickburger Giveaway
Hardee’s recently rolled out the Texas Toast Bacon Cheese Thickburger, and we’re putting together a giveaway package for you to try it. Hardee’s, which is the sister restaurant of Carl’s Jr., specializes in big burgers and sandwiches that can satisfy even the manliest hunger. The Texas Toast Bacon Cheese Thickburger is a monster. It features two thick pieces of grilled Texas Toast, bacon, American cheese, tangy BBQ sauce and a fat, 100% Black Angus beef patty. There’s no way you can stay hungry after consuming this thing. The winner will receive eight coupons to try it out!
As part of this giveaway, we’re also throwing in an autographed photo of Sports Illustrated swimsuit model Julie Henderson, Hardee’s new southern spokesperson. If you like hot chick autographs and coupons for free big burgers, here’s how to enter:
- Follow us on Twitter (@MANjrcom)
- Leave us a comment telling us why you love Hardee’s/Carl’s Jr.
- Winners will be chosen at random
- Giveaway ends next Tuesday, November 23rd
Nov 16th
AXE Clean Your Balls Press Conference
As a follow-up to the Jaime Pressly’s Cleans Your Balls video, AXE has come out with another video that promotes AXE Detailer’s ability to keep your balls clean. Check out the Axe Clean Your Balls Press Conference:
Nov 11th
Denzel Washington’s Wife Gets Crushed After Her Son Scores TD in the UFL
Denzel Washington’s son, John David Washington, is trying to make it back to the NFL. He was originally picked up by the Rams as an undrafted free agent. Now he plays running back for the Sacramento Mountain Lions of the United Football League.
On a recent touchdown run, John David’s mom was running down the sideline cheering her son on. That’s when she got flattened by a UFL linebacker. Here’s video of Denzel talking about his wife getting rushed on Letterman:
Nov 10th