Loved ones Sees

BIRTHS. June fifteen, Mrs. J Summer I, from the house from her mommy, Mrs. Lort Philinns Haverfordwest, the woman off J. Henry Philipps, Esq., off William- brick, Pembrokeshire, out of a daughter, still-created Marriage ceremonies. „ 29• an excellent.step one Church, close Neath, by the Rev. D. H. V o,an effective Doaaoue. Controlling Clerk to Alex. Cuthbertson, Esq., Solicitor, Xeath, to overlook Elizabeth. competition, Neath Abbey. Summer 2, in the tbe Collegiate Chapel, Manchester, from the Rev. W. W. Johnson, Mr. Edward Jones, out of London area, to overlook Mar- garet Harris, out-of Merthyr-Tydvil. June nine, at the Diddington, Huntingdonshire, Wm. Reece, Esq., from South Procession, Ledbury, Herefordshire, solicitor, earliest child of one’s late William Reece. Esq., solicitor, of the put, to Eliza- betb Gee Holah Atterbury, only man of the late John Atterbury, Esq., out-of Eynesbury, in the county from Huntingdon, and you may grand relative regarding Bishop Atterbury. ± , Oxan, William Shields, oldest son regarding William S. Lockwood, Bsq., from Dews Hallway, Essex, to Amelia s, Bart., away from Pearya (The fresh new bridegroom got the name regarding Timber towards death of their brother, the latest later Sir Mark Wood, Bart.) Summer 4, in the Marseilles, Archibald V. Smith, Esq., so you can Emitv Jane, relict out of Lieut.-CoL Ferries, earlier Treasurer of Area off Mauritius. beth Palace, because of the Arehbishon of Pani««. bury, brand new Duke away from Marlborough, for the IIou. Charlotte Augusta Flower, youngest daughtei-out of Viscount & Viscountess Ashbrook June 13, at the Zoar Chapel, Henllys, close Newoart Mr W* Morgan to overlook Margaret Morgan, both of Bassalle- parish Yn this new county regarding Monmouth. ln June twelve, at Yuysgau Chapel, Merthvr hv Mr T r minister Mr. Robert Evans in order to MHS Ann Williams’. Jones’to Miss Eluab^h Hour’s/’ ‘aLlUSt0r- Mr> Wm’ Deaths. afflio’tv. j”the fresh >’ei*roentgen out of his ages, just after a lengthy and painful yards ction of your dropsy, Kdmuni Williams, just man out of Mr. T. C’lf 0Wn because of the his bardic ajj;>elUtioj, f. abdominal Gwilym l ynydo.) He was an extremely prj nUiu^ you.i^ rain o. higher intellectual show, and you will had great knowledge ia vojad music, in which he attained awards on Cymreigyddiou A keen.uversar^s from time to time. They have remaining a huge circte vf family members and you will friends so you’re able to deplore his loss. June 13, during the a sophisticated many years, Mary, the brand new widow of late Mr. Philip Jones, Frood Ranch, near Merthyr. Summer 8, within Skeldon, Ayrshire, Sir Alexander Montgomery Cuaingham, Bart., from Corshill. ° Summer six. old 21 years, Charles, boy regarding Mr. E. Trew, Sunny- Bal1k Ranch, Brecon. Summer 13, on St. Helen’s, Portsmouth, Frances Louise, the newest partner Out-of George Colt Langley, Esq., of Royal Marines.

The brand new Iron Trading.

BYTHLS0N”S SCOTTISH ENTERTAINMENTS.-We understand We age.ondoii Drive that this gentleman has been vocal th> ‘v so you can prominent audience, who’ve expressed step one Selves very pleased. I DAJ Le HERI-FORD Postoffice is to be finalized toward Sunlight- 0QetD°ni’n35 from one fourth before 11 right up until 1 / 2 of previous Sw” from a quarter earlier seven, later in the day out-of aL till 25 % in advance of nine. Emails, but not, Sj six Published at all circumstances as ever. xvEJJ ^BKRRIKS.-Mr. Cuthill, the new florist out of Camber- tion’ f since the come most winning in 2010 on cultiva- 1% t strjiwber ries. Several of his herbs enjoys borne regarding 3Df| ° 150 strawberries, of a lot weigh an ounce per, Plillltorne of them five ins for the width. The nit gets up particularly a little bush over the surface. BTILFISTOL Sugar Industry, Summer 17.-There were purchases inside the glucose this week, but prices enjoys suI)Portefl* The latest stock of West-india sugars within the tl?’1 ‘3

306hhds less than meanwhile last year, ?r0c age brings in the possession of of your buyers while the nation Yery lig-ht, because they refrain from to shop for Dp elizabeth matter of responsibility was felt like. 4THS Off Getting Sunshine-Struck.-Into the Wednesday ‘dourer, called James Wakefield, whenever you are on a beneficial within Kingsley, Cheshire, is, what’s 0„t,°nly called “sun-hit,” and you will died instantly. $Uf Enabling time, various other labourer named James in the)Aess> within Netherton, are killed in the same abrupt eilch l’eadful trends. Decomposition is actually very fast one to ‘fW 01 this new government is good bulk off putrefaction one hour S^ath.

Charles C. Williams, of Roath. He was punctually got rid of into the Medical center, where he gotten quick attract, and that is now inside a fair technique for recuperation. TIIE Weather. Brand new hay harvest could have been quite a few of ricked; additionally the benefits- pects of the corn assemble try cheering. LLANDAFF PETTY Lessons. Richard Prichard and the Rev. George fhomas. Reduced. CARDIFF Coupons Lender. Id. From 20th November, 18-fifteen, to 13th June, 1846, gotten, ,?,1239 tens. Invested having Gcvernment, ?1700; removed out-of same task, ?500. SANTGARW. I refer to the latest death of Mr. Blyth Hune, an extremely constant policeman acting in Tunnel Coopany, who was accidentally sunken. He previously perhaps not lefflis domestic quarter-hour before his dry muscles came into this world; to it. He has got left an excellent widow and you may about three college students to lameit his premature passing.

Hootsey is in particular about which religion. This may, possi- bly, have g’ve0 resource to help you they; or, possibly, has only for each and every- petuated sos remember regarding a fact that 1300 years back are new In lhe recollections of population. I receive the eye f) W. Wire, Esq. C. *RIOF( Elq. UIU? Richard LaiJ1′,e*t Jones 111 Well known within jtown -their name getting on property which have been erected ne, tlte Marquig out-of Bute’s docks, this new agreements, &c. Jane” Focused And you will Jump Pull. Because a good purifier of tbe bloodstream aud strengthener of structure, it’s str°n%ly recC>Q’1Q’le9ded of the professors becoming drank because the wort, wMho#t fermentation. Within post. It is questioned she’ll become raised. WHITE’S TRfdr Regarding EQUESTRIANS registered which town from inside the Huge Procession with the the forenoon regarding Wednesday history, preceded by a good band of music.

The latest Board regarding Trading should be to grant certificates of your own sufficiency and you can an effective condi- tion regarding vapor-ships, and all of accidents are to be reported with the board, as well as the service get hire inspectors in order to report on that. It’s available with one of the provisions, one offences into large oceans will be considered in order to were the full time in the lay where culprit can be found or to the he tends to be lead. The balance is not to extend so you’re able to The girl Majesty’s boats out-of conflict, nor to any vessel not-being an united kingdom inserted boat. THB State Out of DUKE-Road. We can’t personal all of our eyas towards reality, one over the last six months parties in the humble existence keeps started fined-aye, and you will believed for the scam- nexion due to their pecuniary resources,-heavily fined to have leading to moderate blockages in some aside-of-the-means otherwise rare street or passage, even though the persons staying in the primary thoroughfare of your town have been allowed to impede anyone passage, really certainly, with complete impunity.

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